TopRail®: A top idea for safer and more functional open spaces
Across Australia there is an ongoing commitment to improve the amenity and attraction of outdoor open and green spaces in the built environment, in particular recreational and sporting areas. At the same time there is a heightened awareness of the need to control pedestrian and vehicle movement in and around such spaces. The right choice of fencing has a role to play in achieving these outcomes.
Stronger and smarter looking post and rail fence system
Over the last few years we have been repeatedly approached by landscape architects and local governments looking for a stronger and smarter looking, and more contemporary fence option for applications such as sports ovals, parks, show grounds and entertainment venues. In particular, these customers wanted a post and rail style fence but something stronger, more durable and smarter looking than post and rail chainwire, perma-pine logs or recycled plastic fencing. These customers also wanted a wider range of choice of colors than was available in these other materials. In response to this need we developed our latest product: TopRail® steel post and rail fencing.
The all steel system consists of powder coated galvanised steel square hollow section (SHS) posts (in a range of sizes) and horizontal 115x42x2mm horizontal rails that connect to the post with a proprietary heavy duty bracket secured with a series of self-drilling tek screws.
Simplicity and flexibility add value and save time
The TopRail® features include:
- Range of post sizes from 65x65 up to 100x100mm.
- Option for closer post spacing to prevent vehicle entry.
- Range of assembly heights from 600-1500mm.
- Option for 1-5 horizontal rails.
- Architectural quality powder coated finish with 10 year color fastness warranty.
- Ability to add or remove rails in the future.
- Wide range of colors.
- Brackets to suit sloped ground and changes of direction.
- Anti-tamper low profile tek screws.
- Posts available to suit natural ground footing, with weld on base flange to suit hard surface or removable post design.
- Available in crowd load compliant design.
- Ships on palletised flat pack.
- No on-site welding.
- No laser cut posts (which increase the likelihood of corrosion to these cut surfaces) .
- Easy removal of rails to gain access or to replace if damaged.
Why TopRail® and not plastic
- Greater strength and rigidity (no breaking or sagging).
- Superior quality coating finish (no fading, chalking or mold build up).
- Bracket system allows greater flexibility in install design.
- Greater range of colors (not limited to grey or white).
- Stronger green credentials when taking into account whole-of-life cost.
The TopRail® and not timber
- Greater strength and rigidity (no breaking, warping, rotting or sagging).
- Superior quality coating finish (no repainting).
- Bracket system allows greater flexibility in install design.
- Stronger green credentials when taking into account whole-of-life cost.
- 100% recyclable (no landfill).
TopRail® and not laser cut post systems
- Reduced cost as no special cutting process.
- Ability to use standard and readily available posts.
- Readily accommodates changes of gradient and angle.
- No cut edges to corrode.
- Posts don’t have to be set exactly to height.
- Flexibility to add, move and remove rails.
Download TopRail Product Data Sheet